Hey there! I’m Hayden, founder of MADE BY HER ATX and a graduate student pursuing a masters in counseling. Everything you see here is created by HER (that’s me… my initials). I have loved getting to develop my art skills and experiment with new styles over the years. But what I found to be my favorite thing about art is sharing it. I love working with businesses to merge their passion with my artistic vision. Creating something eye-catching that makes people pause in a world full of go never gets old. My passion for art started with hand lettering, it got me through some terrible hours spent in biology class and has since opened the door to me for illustration, watercoloring, and digital art. When I am not buried in my art supplies I can be found spending time with the people that I love, sipping tea, getting way too invested in TV shows (currently Bridgerton), grinding on schoolwork at Starbucks*, or simply enjoying the cuddly feel of a good blanket. It means so much to me to be able to share my joy with you. Thanks for dropping in and feel free to stay awhile. I hope you love what you see.
*pandemic Starbucks = different places around my house